Wednesday, October 27, 2010



Our blood flows through our whole system and it delivers necessary substances to the body’s cells – such as nutrients and oxygen – and transports waste products away from those same cells.
So it only makes sense to keep our blood healthy, right? But are you eating the right food and are you helping your body keep your blood healthy?
The pictures below are courtesy of the Enzymology Reasearch Center, Inc.* and are presented to show the relationship between various conditions and the blood.
Photos taken with a dark field microscope
Normal Red Blood Cell (RBCs)
The circulatory system is the means by which oxygen, nutrients, antibodies, and hormones are transported to the cells to keep them alive and functioning. This is how our blood looks when we are experiencing optimum health. The Erythrocytes (cells) are round and separated and move through the capillaries very easily. The average size of healthy RBCs is 7.2 microns
Protein Linkage
This condition is the first sign of cell stickiness and may progress into rouleaux if not corrected. Protein linkage is a sign that excessive protein is being consumed or the protein is not being digested completely. As the cells start sticking together it becomes harder for the heart to push the blood through the veins and arteries.
Rouleaux Formation
When the blood gets to this condition the amount of oxygen that can be transported is severely diminished. This condition is caused by high fat and protein diets and high acidity. Your blood will look like this if you drink one soda and will stay that way for at least two hours. Because your cells are not getting oxygen you will feel tired, have poor digestion, and skin disorders. Rouleaux is a medical term for a condition wherein the blood cells clump together forming what looks like stacks of coins. This is an unhealthy state because the cells are not free to absorb and carry oxygen. It is a pre-cursor to many serious diseases.
Erythrocyte Aggregation
This condition is one step worse than rouleaux. This is often seen in people with degenerative diseases. This is caused by undigested fats and proteins and high acidity. Degeneration of tissue always follows low oxygen and acidity. This condition can precede a blood clot which can cause a stroke or heart attack.
As we know, red blood cells transport oxygen to the tissues of the body. Without oxygen, we are devitalized, and according to some theories, the tissues go into a morbid state in which they survive on fermentation rather than oxygenation. This is what is referred to as anaerobic;and it is believed, by such persons as Nobel laureate Prof. Otto Warburg, that cancer thrives in such oxygen deficient conditions.
In the live blood analysis under a microscope below, you’ll see a condition called “rouleaux” in which the red blood cells are stacked together. Some people believe it is because of the stress on the body of poor metabolism and others believe it is due to this as well as pH (acid-alkaline balance) or wrong dietary choices or even simple dehydration. In any event, it is usually correctable. Another condition that is observed is one in which the activity of red blood cells is compromised because of infection, bacterial or viral, or parasitization. In some cases, the red blood cells are misshapen due to lack of nutrients.
Watch the live blood analysis below to see a condition called “rouleaux” in which the red blood cells are stacked together.
You’ll see how our blood easily clumps and sticks together under certain conditions (especially among elderly ones) and you’ll also discover how to keep your blood healthy and alive using natural food supplements.

just contact:
Nina Minette Casillan
Tel: +65-91162699